Monday, July 22, 2019

Best Practices: Security Concerns with Microservices

Microservices architecture is more dispersed in nature hence, there will be a larger surface area for attacks and vulnerabilities. But because of this dispersion where services being independent at one another, this architecture allows for a more granular restrictions. 

  • At the infrastructure, the concern is coming from multiple network entry-points, rate limits and traffic throttling configuration, need for multiple firewalls, defense in depth, network structures and keys and tokens management.
    • Ensure regular updates taking note of the following:
      • updates must not break the system
      • updates should not interrupt the application
      • updates must not require full deployments
    • Keep control 
      • never assume infinite scalability 
      • rate limits protect from DDoS 
      • always test your load
    • Keep your guard up 
      • multiple firewalls 
      • minimum exposure (expose only what is needed)
      • keep sensitive services private
    • Keep/protect your keys 
      • do not store in the servers 
      • encrypt everything 
      • use internal and changeable tokens like OAuth
  • Application concerns
    • repeatable deployments 
    • encryption algorithms 
    • protection methods depending on data types 
    • security configuration 
    • testing (white, black and penetration)
  • Data concerns
    • input validation 
    • output encoding 
    • not obvious ID's 
    • end-to-end encryption 
    • authentication and authorization even among services
  • To mitigate both application and data concerns
    • don't make the data structures obvious
    • keep IDs out of API endpoints
    • it is recommended to use OAuth for authentication and authorization
      • usually done in API gateway which enables service discovery
        • enables: role based access, access control and signed requests 
        • helps with orchestration 
        • provides caching layer

Reference: Packt's Hands-On Microservices with Python by Peter Fisher


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